
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Facebook rolls out ability to insert images in comments

Aday before its big press event where it has promised to unveil something new and big, Facebook is making some tweaks to its website. The latest tweak will make using Facebook a little more fun for those who think an image is worth a thousand words. The social networking giant is rolling out a feature that allows users to insert images into the comments stream. 

Those who love replying using memes are in for a treat with Facebook’s new move. Using the camera icon in the comment’s panel you can upload an image to the comments section of a status update, Facebook share or any other activity.

You can click on the image in a comment to view a larger version of it in the photo viewer, but you will not be able to comment on it. Pages have not been given this feature just yet, you will only be able to comment on your friends’ status messages or group posts.

Users will also not be able to use this feature on the mobile web, iOS and Android apps yet. They can, however, view the image replies. We’re sure Facebook will slowly roll this one out to mobiles soon, as this seems like a fun tool that will make conversations of the social network livelier. Sadly, GIFs are not supported by this feature. Hopefully, Facebook will add support for those too. Doing this will turn the network into a mini-Tumblr of sorts. 

Facebook has already rolled out threaded replies to pages and image comments will only go on to enhance conversations, especially for brands and other entities who have pages. As of now on Facebook pages you can only share a link to an image in the comments, and the image will show up as a thumbnail.  

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